I think missing you hurts the most when something funny happens. Because in that one moment I find myself laughing, and within the next second I want to tell or text you what happened. And then it hits me again, every single time, that you aren’t there anymore. That I lost that one thing that mattered to me. And there's not a day that goes by, without me thinking of you, dying, in someone else's arms. I really can't imagine that. You know what? I’m awful about your name. I still jump when I hear it. I still feel it rattling somewhere in my stomach. I think I’m jealous of anyone that gets to say it because it’s not my right anymore. I came to realized that you already left me. Left me alone. And I can't stop myself for missing you. I keep dreaming of you, everyday. Those dreams are so vivid, I feel like you're really besides me, hold my hands and kiss me. And when I wake up, I'll keep missing you all over again. 
Dah 3 minggu start sem baru which mean sem akhir. So far ok semuanya. Just a little bit busy sebab tu jarang update blog :P Hopeeeee sangat sem ni boleh focus macam sem-sem sebelum ni. Sem last ni oiii, mana boleh main-main. Dah lah sem lepas pointer jatuh. Nasib baik takda failed :P Sem ni pun kena pastikan yang takda repeat paper. Nak grad on time! Lepastu sambung degree pulak. Actually malas nak sambung, tapi bila fikir balik yang sekarang diploma pun susah nak dapat kerja, terpaksa lah korbankan masa study. Takpa, degree sekejap je. Habis degree kita fikir kahwin pulak /mood gatal on/ Hahaha. Doakan Natasha ye!
Copyright © 2012 Natasha Maszalan . All rights reserved.